  • Name

    Kantoor Chruch

  • Town


  • National registration date

    1998 November 11

  • The possibility of visiting


  • Made Date

    Qajar - Pahlavi

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About kantoor church

Kantoor Church, which is also known as “Bell Tower”, is located in the south of Mashahir or Laleha Park, located in the area of Ayatollah Taleghani Boulevard. This church, which dates back to the Pahlavi era, is one of the few orthodox churches in Iran and is very famous. The name of this church has been registered in the list of national monuments of Iran.

Access kantoor Chruch

  • To access Kantoor Church, move from Shohada Square in the center of Qazvin towards the north of the city. After passing through Shohada Boulevard and Prophetiye Street along Sepeh Historical Street, you will reach Sabze Maidan (Azadi Square). By moving to the right and entering Taleghani Boulevard, go forward for 250 meters and then turn left and enter Khayam Street. After entering Khayam Street, go another 250 meters and then enter the second side on the right (Khorsand Alley). Mashahir Park and Sarcheshme parking are located at the end of Khorsand Alley and Kantor Church is located on the south side of the park.
  • Address : Qazvin Province, Qazvin City, Taleghani St., Darayi St., South of Mashahir Park (Laleha)

History of Kantoor Church

Kantoor Church was built by the Russians in Qazvin city during World War II and during the occupation of Iran. Kontor means headquarters or center in Russian.
After the departure of the Russians from Iran, this church was empty. There are no orthodox Christians living in Iran, and for this reason, this building is now preserved as a historical monument. Of course, inside this beautiful church, there are several showcases selling handmade jewelry and other handicrafts.
There are two other churches in Qazvin that are active and Christians and Armenians use them for their ceremonies; But it is not allowed to visit them.

Kantoor Church architecture

Kantoor Church has an entrance door with Russian crosses carved on the walls on both sides. Above the entrance is a three-story bell tower that leads to a small dome.

Kantoor is a small church in terms of dimensions, which has a quadrangular plan and two domes. The big dome is in the center of the prayer hall and the smaller dome is above the altar. The materials used are bricks and mortar, the bricks are arranged with great artistry, and as a result, a very beautiful building is obtained. The entrance to Kantoor Church is located on its western side and includes an entrance space with a sloping roof and an entrance door.

There are two tombstones in the courtyard of this church. One of these tombstones belongs to a Russian pilot and the other to a Russian engineer who died in Iran.

Like other churches, this small church has a cruciform design and its altar faces east. The entrance to the church has a sloping roof.

After the entrance, there is a space in front of the hall, above which the bell tower of the church with a height of about eleven meters can be seen. The hall includes the prayer room and the altar, and there are two rectangular spaces on both sides of the hall. The mihrab space is semi-circular and a dome is placed on top of it.
The space of the prayer hall has a dome and its side spaces are covered with flats. Decorative columns can be seen on the exterior of this church. In this church, there are two rooms on both sides, one of which was used to change the clothes of the priest.

The cross installed under the dome of this church is the symbol of Orthodox Christians, with a diagonal line on it. The reason for the existence of this diagonal line goes back to one of the orthodox beliefs, according to which, in addition to the hands of Jesus (PBUH) being tied, his legs were also dragged to the cross in an oblique way so that he would suffer more. Some others believe that this line is the line of human evolution and the symbol of heaven and hell.

Tips for visiting Kantoor Church

  • Before visiting Kantor Church, make sure its doors are open.
  • There is a public parking lot with an acceptable capacity near Kantor Church.
  • When visiting Kantor Church, observe the necessary etiquette and respect for attending religious places.
  • When visiting Kantor Church, avoid touching objects and showcases and cooperate with the church official.
  • The visiting hours of Kantor Church are 9:00 to 20:00.

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