  • Name

    Al-Nabi Mosque ( Qazvin )

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  • National registration date

    1998 June 20

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About Al-Nabi Mosque ( Qazvin )

Al-Nabi Mosque is one of the historical and religious attractions of Qazvin, which is used as a venue for Friday prayers every Adina, and at the same time, it hosts thousands of tourists throughout the year. This mosque, which was registered in the list of national monuments of Iran on June 20, 1998 with the registration number 390, is also known as Shah Mosque and Sultani Mosque. It is said that because this mosque was built at the same time as the Sultan Mosque of Tehran and the Sultan Mosque of Borujard during the period of Feth Ali Shah Qajar, Al-Nabi Mosque was known as the Sultan Mosque.

  • Address: Qazvin province, Qazvin city, on the south side of Imam Khomeini St., between Obeid Zakani St. and Saadi St.
  • Al-Nabi Mosque is located on the south side of Imam Khomeini street, in line with Qazvin city market.

History of Al-Nabi Mosque in Qazvin

Al-Nabi Mosque in Qazvin was built in Qajar era by the order of Fath Ali Shah in the Wazir area (Chal Wazir) according to reliable sources. During this period, constructions, especially in the field of religious buildings, had increased significantly; In such a way that four mosques out of the five great royal mosques were built in this period of time.

It is said that Master Mirzai Shirazi took charge of the architecture of Masjid al-Nabi and built it in 1787.

Different parts of Al-Nabi Mosque in Qazvin

With an area of 14,000 square meters, Masjid al-Nabi is unique in terms of the extent of the courtyard and the naves and the architectural style.

Entrance : Al-Nabi Mosque has three entrances, which are the northern, western and eastern entrances. The northern entrance is very large and eye-catching.

Head of the north door : The northern art  front of the mosque looks very luxurious and lofty and it is decorated with enamel tiles and an original method. In this part, an inscription of lapis lazuli tiles in Nastaliq Mumtaz script dated 1787 can be seen. The northern gate is connected to a porch on which a large minaret is built.

The courtyard : The vast courtyard of the mosque measures about 87 x 89 meters and there is a large stone pool in the middle of it. This courtyard leads from the north and south to the nave and from the east and west to the portico.

Porches : Al-Nabi Mosque in Qazvin has four porches with two earrings on each side. These earrings connect the porches to the eight porticoes of the Sultan Mosque.

Porticos : Each of the north and south porches have four arches and the east and west porches have nine arches.

bedchamber : Each nave has an area of 16 square meters and includes 28 small arches that are based on 18 columns at a distance of 6 meters from each other. The arches have three springs and overlook the courtyard of the mosque.

Dome : A beautiful dome is located above the southern compartment, which shines like a gem with geometric and linear tile decorations. This dome is built as two continuous shells and the diameter of its opening is 15 meters, the height of the inner peak to the floor of the building is 20 meters, and the height of the outer apex to the floor is about 23 meters.

Altar : The altar had a marble plinth and was decorated with colorful enamel tiles, which was destroyed.

Inscription : The inscriptions of the eastern and western porches decorated with Quranic surahs have kept them as an immortal image.
Maqsoura : In the middle of the east and west walls, a sash with three springs has been placed, and two wide corridors have been built on the sides of the sash, which connects the maqsoura to the portico of the nave. The length of the cabin is 150 meters and its width is 14 meters.

Decorations of Al-Nabi Mosque in Qazvin

During the Qajar period (Fath Ali Shah), the largest volume of mosque decorations was occupied by tiling, and Masjid al-Nabi was no exception to this, and decorations such as seven-color tiling, maqli and clay tiles were used in the dome cover. The four porches of Masjid al-Nabi have given a special effect to the mosque with enamel tile decorations and exquisite inscriptions with the third script.

Tips for visiting Al-Nabi Mosque in Qazvin

  • The mosque is open most of the day.
  • Among the attractions near Masjid al-Nabi, we can point to Sardar Ali Qapo, Qazvin Bazaar, Chehelston Palace and Hosseinieh Aminiha.

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